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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
10289 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal New basket: cannot import raingauge Excel sheet Philippe May 11/06/2020 12:17
13766 Gisaf Bug New Normal OGCAPI: make async Philippe May 11/03/2022 14:39
11886 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Pandas resample deprecation warning Philippe May 16/03/2021 12:49
9483 Gisaf Support New Normal Performance: writing gpkg is slower than shapefiles Philippe May 08/01/2020 11:15
9493 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Plotly png download resize frame Philippe May 26/12/2019 16:37
10213 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Point showing in the reconciliation pop-up but error while reconciling Philippe May 26/06/2020 14:37
10364 Gisaf Support New Normal Reconcile the reconciliations Philippe May 17/06/2020 17:27
11071 Gisaf Support New Normal Reconciliation: cannot find some points Philippe May 01/10/2020 13:03
10122 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Reconciliation: missing categories Philippe May 19/05/2020 02:53
10331 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Reconciliation: sort layer by alphabetical order Philippe May 12/06/2020 17:45
10439 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Reconciliation: use categories instead of layers Philippe May 27/06/2020 05:21
9466 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Rename "altitude" to "elevation" Philippe May 08/01/2020 11:27
9749 Gisaf Feature New Normal Strip extra characters in graphQL queries Philippe May 07/09/2020 12:48
11449 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Strip extra characters when importing survey CSV files Philippe May 10/12/2020 01:06
8721 Gisaf Feature New Normal Survey data basket: handle the case when more than one file in the basket per day Philippe May 14/10/2020 17:01
11762 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Switch from Mapbox to Maplibre Philippe May 20/11/2021 15:21
15251 Gisaf Bug New Normal Tags not displaying properly Philippe May 10/11/2023 16:40
9517 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Tags: add location Philippe May 03/01/2020 11:54
9509 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Update angular-plotly to 1.5.0 Philippe May 04/01/2020 12:05
10224 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Update gs.basemaps in Jupyter notebooks Philippe May 14/06/2021 16:15
3472 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Weather station graphs: choice of parameters Philippe May 10/03/2019 14:52
9552 Gisaf Documentation Resolved Normal Weekly resampling - Starts on mondays Philippe May 25/07/2020 17:12
10569 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Well Masterfile/Repository Philippe May 19/12/2020 17:10
6538 Gisaf Bug New Normal Well level: improve the form and input processing (dry checkbox) Philippe May 12/03/2019 11:09
14894 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Well levels Timeline graphs: weekly rainfall data for 2020 not correct Philippe May 08/04/2023 08:45
(101-125/197) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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