



Added by Pavneet Kaur about 6 years ago


Meera, Phillipe, Pavneet, Ram, Raj,<jeanne

Chair: Raj
Notes: Jeanne



She applied for a MSc in Geo Informatics in IIRS and got accepted! However she does not know if she really wants to enroll or not so she will need some time to decide.


He contacted the HOD of Civil Engineering Department of Annamalai University. Specialised in GIS, Water Management. Talked about modelling. Interrested by the project, wants to visit. Should keep in touch and contact her when Giulio comes back

Are there other faculties around (Pondicherry University?) who are working on similar topics (wwater balance, modelling)?



- continue field work on residential area at slow pace. People start responding more (come back from holidays)
- water consumption data: no news from Selvam dispite several mails. Maybe it's better to directly go to him.
meeting with Alok on Thursday


How to get the data on the sewage network (Road service) and freshwater network (Water service). Would they be willing to share?

Concerns about wastewater
Why going for a centralised system instead of individual ones? Problem of the maintenance. However the problem will raise with the new WWTP since CSR has onlly been commissionned for 1 year. What happens next? Everybody emphasizes the need for the creation of a service dedicated to the maintenance of wastewater treatment systems but no one has taken the step yet. Whose responsibility?

What is the role of Water Group? It is commissionned to deal with water
- the issue of wastewater can be raised in the WG and then communicated to L'Avenir

Problem of the water group : it is not official but the community thinks it is and they send requests. Moreover the meetings are on hold now. Who is still involved?


- Worked on a solution to avoid duplicates in the shape files: segregation of data by project( differernt zones: Matrimandir, Residential zone...)
- Worked on other technical matters. Added 3D to the map: buildings (what about Matrimandir)
- A proposal was sent to Auroville Foundation for the cadastral survey but they did not answer and asked someone else to work on it (without survey though). They are extra carefull about cadastral data because of the mainy incertainties on the delimitation and the ownership of the plots. Unwilling to share it.


Nothing new since last week


- They started to survey Vikas and Creativity


- They met a Cobra!
- They finished the commissionned work: survey of the plot opposite the water tank. They will prepare the report and send it through Giulio once the payment has been made.