Added by Swathi D' Souza over 6 years ago
Giulio, Pavneet, Swathi, Raj, Bala, Philippe, Ram
Round table¶
Sharing workflow dynamics
Survey of Svyam is finished. and 70% of survey is finished & Working on Autocad for correction.
The Mathrimandir test lake still under progress. Reading a paper on harvest data published in french language but a work on Auroville water resource, a very useful piece of work which was published 2007. Had a meeting with Jill and discussions with German company which want to collaborate for our project.
Learning python for data analysis.
Data organizing of the raingauge and working towards analyzing the data sets in python and trying to teach python scripting to Giulio, Swathi, Pavneeth.
Got the piezometer reading of Aurodem, Certitude and later Asa will do calibration. Updation of data is 20-30% complete.
Working on Mithriya survey. Isha is avoiding survey in her place. Correcting points of Praythna.
Working on learning python for data base organizing. Munging the data.
Submitted a draft report of watershed delineation to Giulio for review. Now surfing for useful data from past Harvest project "From Julia" folder.
Topic of discussion¶
As we got the name for our team in last meeting! as "CSR GEOMATICS TEAM" it is approved by water group members. But now we need to think about the project plan and task and the hierarchy of what we do.
Had a discussion regarding the data to go into the open source web page and the privacy policies and the permissions to be applied on the publishing data in the future.
Pavneeth raised a question" whether this Geomatics team will take up projects in the future other than water related". May / may not be
Ram closed the meeting!!