2018/11/28- Minutes of Meeting
Added by Pavneet Kaur about 6 years ago
By Pavneet
Announcements- Giulio TOS from 4th dec - 6th Dec
Philippe –
Changing the user interface of GISAF.
Raj and Ram–
Finished the survey of Aarti, Invocation now.
Bala –
1 sensor out of 3 non-working sensors has been repaired, going to try repair the two left. Calibration done for wells in Certitude, going to work on Samridhhi and Aurodam. Working with flowmeters on water service pipes.
Pavneet –
Working on International Zone survey post processing. Suggested to take up Documentation and proposed to better Data management in Files system and backups.
Dorian –
Getting familiar with the work done here. Exploring the previously done studies related to Water in Auroville.
Swathi –
Studying rain data- Intensity, Run-off etc.
Giulio –
Planning for future activities, mostly for the funding resources for carrying out the activities. Had training on the software from Leica for RTK points. Lot of things going on in Kalpana and Humanscapes- for the Vikas radial surface water. To plan for $ observation wells in Auroville. Hamburg Wasser going on as well.