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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
9141 GIS Documentation New Normal AWS water supply data 16/10/2019 12:52
9119 GIS Task Resolved Normal Individual/community well data Meera Natarajan 23/10/2019 11:16
8303 GIS Task New High Health check up residential zone (Priority 1 list) Meera Natarajan 14/05/2019 11:29
8287 GIS Task Resolved Normal additional information to the template Meera Natarajan 24/05/2019 16:31
7936 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Task Resolved Normal Add the wastewater type to the origin Philippe May 19/03/2019 23:56
7935 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Task Resolved Normal Template components in order Philippe May 20/03/2019 15:18
7723 GIS Task Resolved Normal comparison pH and TDS meter Meera Natarajan 09/03/2019 11:18
7722 GIS Task Resolved Normal health check standardization of observation Meera Natarajan 27/02/2019 16:22
7721 GIS Task New Normal create template for health check-up Meera Natarajan 20/02/2019 11:58
7698 GIS Task New Normal EC & pH meter Meera Natarajan 20/02/2019 10:01
7645 GIS Documentation New Normal Documentation of health checks 18/02/2019 09:24
7643 GIS Task New Normal Health check-up in the RZ Meera Natarajan 18/02/2019 09:25
7550 GIS Task Resolved High meeting Gilles Meera Natarajan 13/02/2019 11:13
7549 GIS Task Resolved Normal Surrender and Grace WWTP Health check Meera Natarajan 06/02/2019 09:57

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