


Can house sitters get a connection?

For house sits of less than a month, no.

Otherwise, if connection is available at the location (When will connections be available at my location?), yes

For house sits of more than one year, house sitters can get the same plans as stewards What are Aurinoco's subscription plans? or What are Telephone Service's BSNL franchise plans via Aurinoco?

For house sits between one month and one year, a hotspot connection can be provided. Costs
  • Install a hotspot router ₹250
  • Hotspot voucher with unlimited volume and monthly validity ₹800
  • Remove the hotspot router ₹250
  • House sitting hotspot vouchers cannot be used in other hotspots
  • Aurinoco uses hotspots for house sitters because it is a convenient way to meet Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) requirements