


How to move a subscription to a new location » History » Version 2

Charles Atkinson, 27/05/2021 10:53
Fixed typo

1 1 Charles Atkinson
h1. How to move a subscription to a new location?
2 1 Charles Atkinson
3 1 Charles Atkinson
Check if connections are available the new location [[FAQ:When will connections be available at my location?]]
4 1 Charles Atkinson
5 2 Charles Atkinson
If so [[FAQ:How to contact Aurinoco?|ask Aurinoco]] to move the subscription to the new location
6 1 Charles Atkinson
7 1 Charles Atkinson
If not [[FAQ:When_will_connections_be_available_at_my_location#Requesting-connection|request Aurinoco to provide connections at the new location]]