


What IP addresses can I use » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Charles Atkinson, 27/09/2017 10:46) → Version 2/3 (Vishnu Sandeep, 03/10/2017 11:14)

h1. What IP addresses can I use?

* For GPON connections: we will not provide an ip address on the Agreement. Each TBC (the GPON user will get only one ip address those addresses are stored in the wiki page.(we don't need to tell there ip because we had an issue #2874) CPE acts as a DHCP server?)
* For non-GPON connections: the IP address range address is listed in your agreement with Aurinoco. Addresses ending in 1 to 9 are reserved for use by Aurinoco. Addresses ending in 0 and 255 are not usable for hosts.