


What are Aurinoco's subscription plans » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Charles Atkinson, 24/05/2021 15:58) → Version 2/5 (Atchuthan Manickam , 01/08/2022 08:53)

h1. What are Aurinoco's subscription plans?


h1. Introduction

Aurinoco's subscription plans are characterised by:
* Internet access via a commercial supplier or the National Knowledge Network
** Auroville Campus Network (ACN) plans include Internet access is via a commercial supplier
** Educational Resource Network (ERN) include Internet access is via the National Knowledge Network
* Personal or unit usage
* Nominal download speed in Mbps

h1. Available plans

h2. ACN plans

h3. ACN personal prepaid plans

|_.Name |_.Contribution (Rs. per month) |_.Volume (GB) |_.Speed (Mbps) |
|=.Ap16 |=.800 |=.unlimited |=.16 |

h3. ACN unit prepaid plans

|_.Name |_.Contribution (Rs. per month) |_.Volume (GB) |_.Speed (Mbps) |
|=.Au16 |=.1,000 for 1 to 5 active Internet users
1,500 for 6 to 10 active Internet users
2,000 for 11 and more active Internet users |=.unlimited |=.16 |

h2. ERN plans

|_.Name |_.Contribution (Rs. per month) |_.Volume (GB) |_.Speed (Mbps) |
|=.Eu |=.1,000 for 1 to 5 active Internet users
1,500 for 6 to 10 active Internet users
2,000 for 11 and more active Internet users |=.unlimited |=.See notes |

h2. VoIP plan

|_.Name |_.Contribution (Rs. per month) |_.Calls |_.Voice Calls |
|=.VoIP |=.200 |=.unlimited |=.100 per month. |

# ERN plans are not available for personal subscribers
# ERN plans are postpaid
# Speed:
** Normally "unlimited" as long as the National Knowledge Network link is not being used to full capacity
** Subscribers connected via the Water Tower to Aurelec radio link: maximum 50 Mbps

h1. Plan name notes

Plan names are made of designators based on the characteristics listed in the Introduction above:
|_.Characteristic |_.Designator |_.Notes |
|=.ACN or ERN |=.A or E | |
|=.GB per month fair Internet usage (FIU) |=.20, 40, 80 ... | Omitted for unlimited plans |
|=.Personal or unit usage |=.p or u | |
|=.Download speed, nominal in Mbps |=.4, 8 ... | Omitted when no speed restriction (ERN) |