


What is Aurinoco's Redmine service » History » Version 1

Charles Atkinson, 20/04/2021 15:14

1 1 Charles Atkinson
h1. What is Aurinoco's Redmine service?
2 1 Charles Atkinson
3 1 Charles Atkinson
Redmine is a web-based project management and issue tracking tool. It allows users to manage multiple projects and subprojects. It features per-project WIKIs and forums, time tracking, and flexible, role-based access control. It includes a calendar and Gantt charts to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines. Redmine integrates with various version control systems and includes a repository browser and diff viewer.
4 1 Charles Atkinson
5 1 Charles Atkinson
Aurinoco provides a "Redmine": service accessible from the Internet and from the Intranet.  It is free to Aurinoco subscribers.  For further information and to request a logon, please [[FAQ:How_to_contact_Aurinoco|contact Aurinoco support]]