


Wiki » History » Version 36

Version 35 (Philippe May, 12/01/2019 13:10) → Version 36/46 (Philippe May, 12/01/2019 13:14)

h1. Software

Gisaf (for, eg, GIS Auroville Front-end) is a web application that is under development.

[[User manual]]

h2. Database

Gisaf uses a Postgis database.

h3. Creation

To create an appropriate database, run these commands:
createuser avgis -P
createdb avgis -O avgis
psql avgis -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

h3. Notes

The geometry features' metadata MUST be set with the proper SRID, which can be tricky. See below.

h3. Import files

h2. Development

See the README file

h2. Build frontend (Angular)

Until a bug in (Angular build or plotly) is fixed (, build Build the web application (browser side) with:

cd gisaf-app
ng build --prod --build-optimizer=false --vendor-chunk

Otherwise, this is the standard command for generating the build:

cd gisaf-app
ng build --prod

h2. Plugins

Gisaf can load models in external plugins. See [[plugins]].

h2. Configuration

TODO: more about parameters of the conf file

h3. Map

The default view of the map can be configured in the gisaf yaml config, eg:

openMapTilesKey: cS3lrAfYXoM4MDooT6aS
zoom: 14
pitch: 45
lat: 12.0000
lng: 79.8106
bearing: 0
style: OSM (vector)
opacity: 0.3
tilesUrl: /tiles/data/india-vector.json

h3. Production

Gisaf reads the file @/etc/gisaf/prod.yml@ at boot.

h3. Development

Gisaf reads the @~/.gisaf/prod.yml@ file at boot.

h2. Third party

h3. TileServer

Serve the vector tiles for mapbox-gl locally: [[ TileServer ]]

Alternative: see #6907