



Added by Philippe May about 6 years ago


Giulio, Jeanne, Pavneet, Philippe, Ram and Tency

Chair- Philippe

Meeting Notes by- Pavneet



Lots and lots of meetings, finishing the points finalisation(MM) for survey database, will be done by tomorrow. Will be working till Friday before being TOS.


Finished putting points in quiet healing centre, got paid for work and prepared a report. Giulio can share the report if someone is interested. Has learnt how to work very well with the Survey equipment.


Stepping into the humongous task of getting water consumption data- per Capita etc., to derive the figures for treated waste water outputs/inputs. Going through research/literature and meeting with people. Have found non-conforming figures in a lot of cases (Not matching the Indian standards of 150 L/cap/day.) making it even more essential to approach through scientific ways.


Met with Azha (working with Shankar) to analyse where the peizometer work stands. Discussed some essential points and will be waiting for their reply to them. starting to work on them in mid-july.


Changing the webGIS interface from Leaflet- Mapbox, making it better, specially for 3D viewing. Will do the change in a day or two. Update on how to handle the power to the Server- turning it off when there is sound alarm.


continuing with the water level monitoring in wells. Helping out for the infiltration test with Jeanne and Meera.


Final stages, having trouble with flow meter on valves, sizing etc. conflicting advises by different people.


Jeanne most probably will be TOS next week for a week.

General Updates

  1. Dassault systemes will fix skype meeting another day.
  2. Request for surveys- from L'avenir, from Lalit. If required, Raj and Ram will be accompanied by someone (Pavneet/Philippe) from team for site visit.
  3. Dorian, french architect wanting to join as volunteer, Giulio says yes as we have a requirement for help.

To Continue...
  • Who are we?
  • Presentation of Redmine
  • Updates on Swathi