Feature #14574
Different icons for plants
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Refs #14574: add icons for plants
Add treetrailSymbols font
Remove GisafSymbols font
#1 Updated by Philippe May over 2 years ago
Comment from Island about symbols (somewhat lost a mail, and i quite don't understand the table below):
I think what we spoke about: foliage, rarity and size makes the most sense as a general view:
foliage: the symbol
rarity: the colour
and size(height): the size of the symbol:
up to 7 meters: small,
>7-15 meters: medium,
>15 meters: large
Evergreen Brevi-Deciduous Deciduous Palms (how else?) Common Full leaf Half full, half outline of leaf Only outline of leaf Frond Uncommon Rare / vulnerable Very Rare /endangered or critically endangered