Support #6070
A survey of 3D GIS Models
#1 Updated by Pavneet Kaur over 6 years ago
And this- Giulio had once mentioned about blender- an open source 3d modelling software but i never tried it myself.
#2 Updated by Philippe May over 6 years ago
Sent a mail to Roeland (
Dear Roeland, How are you doing? I hope i'm reaching the right person... I'm now working in the CSR on a GIS platform (it's available here: I think that Giulio, who's abroad for the next 2 months, had a quick chat with you earlier about it, and you were open for a possible collaboration in the future. So, we're now in the process of putting geographical elements on the map, from accurate data coming from the land surveys. We would like to explore the possibility of making 3D models. Would you be interested having a chat about it, and if you're still giving classes in the school, hopefully before the classes begin? Cheers, Philippe
#3 Updated by Pavneet Kaur over 6 years ago
Check these out! I do not have experience with BIM, new to it though i have worked with consultants who use this - structural engineers and MEP consultants.
#4 Updated by Philippe May about 6 years ago
- Assignee changed from Philippe May to Pavneet Kaur
Finally, i had a quick look, it's very interesting: and the paper gives a nice conceptual overview of different efforts in 3D modeling ("shapefiles" isn't mentioned once!)
Some interesting tracks:
- : flood modeling based mainly on lidar data and particle simulations (
- CityGML: high level/theory semantic models of spacial features, in the UML line, so it's quite complicated and abstract.
- an implementation of CityGML for postgis. Worth having a deeper look.
- list some applications, hardly anything related to water management
Somehow, i feel the terrain model generated by tergal could fit in some category, but where exactly? Worth giving some reference from there if we want to submit our work for research publication.
These notes should go to a wiki page before closing this ticket. Pavneet and Giulio, anything else to add?