Feature #6099
Sanic/Gino admin
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The branch "sanic" gives a version of Gisaf on Sanic/Gino.
But there's no practical solution, as of today, for offering the equivalent of Flask-admin.
See https://github.com/fantix/gino/issues/167 and https://github.com/fantix/gino/issues/260.
#1 Updated by Philippe May over 6 years ago
https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp_admin might be a good bet as of today.
This implies moving from sanic to aiohttp, which is also an option as Sanic dev has slowed down a lot while aiohttp is quite active. Also, https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/876msl/sanic_python_web_server_thats_written_to_die_fast/ isn't encouraging for Sanic, because it shows some issue in the architecture, that aren't fixed in months.
#2 Updated by Philippe May almost 6 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low