Bug #8763
Calculation of Run-off volume and Vegetation classification
As discussed, the formula Q = C*I*A will be instead in the form of V = C*R*A, where Q (flow in the unit of time) is replaced by V (volume of run-off), and I (intensity of rainfall in the unit of time) is replaced by R (Rainfall).
To be able to proceed, we need to use the vegetation classification shapefiles as generated by Selvarani on the raster created by Pavneet, and incorporate in the calculation parameters like:
- infiltration
- evapotranspiration
- threshold of effective rainfall to generate run-off
- antecedent conditions of the soil wetness
- imperviousness of surfaces (buildings, platforms, roads, etc)
I have copied the initial raster of the orthophoto mosaic from the drone as done by GKE Survey (Chennai Company) in the Samba folder: it is an .ecw file, which is readable by qgis
To be updated