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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7786 GIS Task Resolved Low To take a photo of Boundary Stone and position Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 03/05/2019 11:36
7814 GIS Task Resolved Normal RTK coordinates of Drone targets Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 03/05/2019 11:35
7984 GIS Task Resolved Normal Understanding The Things Network and embedding it with Jupyter for Well Data Debojyoti Mallick 29/03/2019 16:04
7818 GIS Task Resolved Normal Studying OGC services with Publish / Subscription for Open source forum. Debojyoti Mallick 29/03/2019 10:37
7937 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Retention wall is not properly display in GIS, Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 23/03/2019 15:52
7784 GIS Task Resolved Immediate In Invocation Unpaved road is missing in gisaf Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 23/03/2019 10:32
7839 GIS Task Resolved Normal Bush vs Bush Area - mismatch Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 23/03/2019 10:30
7723 GIS Task Resolved Normal comparison pH and TDS meter Meera Natarajan 09/03/2019 11:18
7835 GIS Documentation Resolved Normal Adding and Using ESRI and other basemaps in QGIS. Debojyoti Mallick 06/03/2019 13:01
7722 GIS Task Resolved Normal health check standardization of observation Meera Natarajan 27/02/2019 16:22
7574 GIS Task Resolved Normal Survey in Maduca Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 26/02/2019 14:42
7732 GIS Task Resolved Urgent Water level in Angad's well Bala Ramachandran 23/02/2019 11:11
7550 GIS Task Resolved High meeting Gilles Meera Natarajan 13/02/2019 11:13
7549 GIS Task Resolved Normal Surrender and Grace WWTP Health check Meera Natarajan 06/02/2019 09:57
7551 GIS Bug Resolved Normal error while downloading shapefiles from gisaf Philippe May 06/02/2019 09:10
7156 GIS Support Resolved Normal Make server boot again Philippe May 05/02/2019 11:13
7552 GIS Bug Resolved Normal error in auto import of raw points to point shapefiles Philippe May 05/02/2019 11:13
7554 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Cannot auto import points for project RZ Philippe May 04/02/2019 16:31
7343 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add layer for locations Philippe May 02/02/2019 15:25
7243 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Cannot view well level for some well Bala Ramachandran 11/12/2018 15:21
6954 GIS Support Resolved Normal Create a VM for DB Philippe May 10/11/2018 16:02
6990 GIS Support Resolved Normal Create a VM for Notebooks Philippe May 10/11/2018 15:57
6494 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add CC copyright on data Philippe May 31/08/2018 21:19
5978 GIS Task Resolved High Registration for Bangalore Open Street Map conference Philippe May 11/06/2018 11:56
3410 GIS Support Resolved High Map website to Philippe May 27/12/2016 22:41
(276-300/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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