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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
14472 Tree Trail Feature In Progress Normal Trail detail: show number of spices Philippe May 23/10/2022 15:09
8486 GIS Task In Progress Normal Understanding how to generate a DSM (Digital Surface Model) or DEM (Digital Elevation Model) using Survey Points. Debojyoti Mallick 03/07/2019 11:44
12867 GIS Support In Progress Normal Upgrade server (all virtual machines) to Debian bullseye Philippe May 25/10/2021 17:34
10291 GIS Support In Progress Normal Vacuum DB at reboot Philippe May 29/10/2021 11:44
6494 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add CC copyright on data Philippe May 31/08/2018 21:19
10948 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add WMS3 server capabilities (with pygeoapi) Philippe May 14/09/2020 16:59
7725 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add a button for generating reports Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:08
10741 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add a way for changing status of a feature, given its original id Philippe May 16/09/2020 17:35
5033 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add an option to display a base line in the bar charts Philippe May 04/01/2018 01:09
10675 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add attribution on map Philippe May 04/07/2021 13:58
7711 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add fields to component types Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:06
7710 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add fields to the individual components Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:07
7343 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add layer for locations Philippe May 02/02/2019 15:25
10920 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add option to display labels on the map Philippe May 07/09/2020 11:54
15345 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add permissions to the database to Selvarani Selvarani C 06/02/2024 16:38
7936 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Task Resolved Normal Add the wastewater type to the origin Philippe May 19/03/2019 23:56
7835 GIS Documentation Resolved Normal Adding and Using ESRI and other basemaps in QGIS. Debojyoti Mallick 06/03/2019 13:01
9944 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Admin: manage categories Philippe May 10/04/2020 12:06
11907 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Allow specific project list for custom models Philippe May 19/03/2021 16:13
9510 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Automatically resample to daily when there's too much data Philippe May 01/01/2020 14:12
15204 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Bad request message while entering newwell level data Philippe May 01/10/2023 16:52
10123 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Basket Upload: store not saved Philippe May 19/05/2020 17:36
11457 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Building Shed and Retaining Walls are not showing in a map Philippe May 14/12/2020 19:52
7839 GIS Task Resolved Normal Bush vs Bush Area - mismatch Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 23/03/2019 10:30
15215 GIS Support Resolved High CSR Weather Station Philippe May 05/12/2023 13:10
(126-150/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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