


September 2020 updates

New portions of freshly brewed updates
Added by Philippe May about 4 years ago

Process management

So far, data acquisition from online devices (weather stations, sensors, everything under the "IoT" umbrella) had to be done aside from Gisaf: e.g. by setting up cron jobs or pub/sub services at the OS level.

Gisaf has integrated these capabilities, and a "scheduler" for different "jobs" has been added. It makes the supervision of these jobs easy to supervise (in the admin area). Beside, and probably more importantly, that integration open doors for more applications in the domains of real time monitoring and management.

Under the hoods, redis and mqtt are used for inter-process communications, which keeps the Gisaf architecture easily scalable.

Major bug fix

A bug in the import function of the raw survey files, in the new admin's basket, was found (#10830) and corrected.

A lot of time and care were put in fixing the existing data in AV CSR Geomatics.

Publication of data through new generation APIs

Gisaf moves towards the OGC API specifications (aka WFS3) for better integration and easing data access. This is most useful for people who need access from a GIS desktop: instead of downloading layers and working on local copies for making maps, GIS desktop users can establish a direct connection with the "/ogcapi" URL prefix (#10948).

Note that the specifications ( and tools (QGis,, etc) will probably replace the old WFS specifications as industry standards, but it will probably take some time for these to mature enough for heavy load production usage.


Labels on the map

A simple toggle button was added to display labels of features, directly on the map (#10920).


Many minor improvements, updates and bug fixes, as always smile

Few major updates, worth mentioning: Angular updates to version 10.1, Graphql to 3.0.
