


AONT1523 » History » Version 5

Version 4 (Atchuthan Manickam , 12/11/2020 12:08) → Version 5/14 (Maniyammai J, 27/05/2021 12:35)

h1. AONT-1523

*Steps:* [[To be Added]]

* Connect the mobile or laptop with BrcmAPO open Wifi of AONT_1523
* Assign URL of
* Use Username and Password as admin, admin and login.
* Click on Advance setup
* Layer 2 Service
>>Add the service
* GPON services
>>Add the service
* WAN services
* click add and next
* Choose IPOE and give next
* Use static IP address and give next

>>WAN service address
>>>10.10.210.XXX (IP address)
>>> (Subnet mask)
>>> (Default Gatway)

* Give DNS addresses and click apply/save

>>> (Primary DNS)
>>> (Google's DNS service is the gateway)
>>> (Secondary DNS)

* Interface Grouping
* Create a Group Name
* Select all the LAN ports and move them from the right column to Left Column
* Apply and save.


* Basic settings->Choose->* Network Name(SSID) -
* Password - ** (it should be more then seven characters)
* Click Next.
* Confirm your settings.
* Click Save.
* Wait for the router to reboot.
* Click Finish.