


Can house sitters get a connection » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Charles Atkinson, 25/05/2021 07:46) → Version 2/3 (Charles Atkinson, 25/05/2021 07:48)

h1. Can house sitters get a connection?

For house sits of less than a month, no.

Otherwise, if connection is available at the location ([[FAQ:When [[FAQ:When will connections be available at my location?]]), location?"]], yes

For house sits of more than one year, house sitters can get the same plans as stewards [[FAQ:What are Aurinoco's subscription plans?]] or [[FAQ:What are Telephone Service's BSNL franchise plans via Aurinoco?]]

For house sits between one month and one year, a hotspot connection can be provided. Costs
* Install a hotspot router ₹250
* Hotspot voucher with unlimited volume and monthly validity ₹800
* Remove the hotspot router ₹250

* House sitting hotspot vouchers cannot be used in other hotspots
* A hotspot is a convenient way to meet Telecom Regulatory Authority of India requirements