Documentation #11648
Styling categories
What is the syntax to style a dashed line with round line cap? in the existing styled layers I could find the syntax for dash lines, for the color, the width, the opacity. But what other possibilities are there? is it possible to have a line with a pattern (like small squares in between line segments, see attached file), and which are the possible patterns? is it possible to create custom patterns? if yes, how is it to be done? and what is the syntax to set it in the category setting through the Admin interface?
#1 Updated by Philippe May about 4 years ago
- Assignee changed from Philippe May to Giulio Di Anastasio
See mapbox style specs:
Complex patterns are possible in theory but they aren't used, require a more complex setup than what we have until now because there was no need for it. They also might impact display performance - to be tested.
Beside, i would avoid using complex, mapbox-specific options now: the recent change of policy in Mapbox's licencing might lead to a migration from Mapbox to another solution.
So, keep it simple, as much as possible.
Changing the style in admin isn't very user friendly in the admin as the text boxes are quite small. The easy way is to write the style in a text editor and copy/paste to Gisaf admin.