


Feature #13592

Computation of new wells altitude

Added by Giulio Di Anastasio about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

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I noticed that when a new borewell is entered into the database, its elevation is displayed as being "0.00", because I guess the algorithm which computes the elevation probably needs to be re-run after creating the well point.
How to do it?
Examples: well id 379 in Aurelec, well id 380 in Darkali


#1 Updated by Philippe May about 3 years ago

Right, i also noticed this (see #13529).

The process used for assigning elevations from contour lines to wells probably needs more work to maintain, than assigning manually the elevation when a new well is added in QGIS. That algorithm was also very simple (for each point without z=0, find the closest contour line and assign that elevation).

#2 Updated by Giulio Di Anastasio about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

The following steps explain how to edit the Z of a well:
- in QGis, connect through PostGis to the main wells table (the one with the geometries, basically the shapefile)
- toggle the editing mode
- select the well layer in the Layers panel, so that it becomes active
- click on the Vertex Tool, select "Current Layer"
- right-click on the well point for which the Z is to be edited
- a table with x, y and z will show
- edit the z value
- toggle the editing, saving the newly entered value

The well now has the updated elevation in the Gisaf

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