


Bug #14386

Well level timing not recorded properly

Added by Giulio Di Anastasio almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
1.00 h
Spent time:


It has been noted that in some numerous cases, the timing of reading of well levels are recorded with a strange format, having many decimal digits for the seconds. In these cases, when exporting the data from PgAdmin, the field "Date-Time" does not show correctly, as it displays only the strange timing and not the date any more (which is in the end the important information...)

well levels.csv View (416 KB) Giulio Di Anastasio, 17/08/2022 15:45

wl.csv View (488 KB) Philippe May, 17/08/2022 18:02


#1 Updated by Philippe May almost 2 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Philippe May to Giulio Di Anastasio

I check quickly and could not find such issue. This field in the database is "time stamp", which can include high precision - should not be a problem.

Can you give me more detail?
Some example with well_id, time? How did you export, and which software you have imported to?

#2 Updated by Giulio Di Anastasio almost 2 years ago

I have just exported the well level data from pgAdmin4 version 5, into a csv file (attached)
You can see that the first reading with strange data is no. 2879 (ref_id 2, date unknown after 5 april 2018)
The problem becomes more and more frequent going down into the data, as you can see...

#3 Updated by Philippe May almost 2 years ago

  • File wl.csv View added
  • Assignee changed from Philippe May to Giulio Di Anastasio

I used (version 6.8), and exported the table as csv and these records are OK. See attachment wl.csv. That's good news, as the data in the DB seems all fine.

Maybe an issue with the version of pgadmin you're using?

#4 Updated by Giulio Di Anastasio almost 2 years ago

  • Estimated time set to 1.00 h
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I have downloaded the file you saved, and yet again the problem was there. I think it is just a problem of visualization of some data in Excel, it got solved simply assigning the format dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm to all the datetime entries in the csv...

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