Support #4958
Import of values from Excel sheet is rounded (eg: rain gauge level)
This is more of a query first and then if possible, will need a solution.
Is the least value of rain in mm that can be shown in graph is 1 mm?
We have redefined the "traces" value as values less than 0.2 mm.
Associated revisions
Add trace field for raingauge region levels (Refs #4958)
#1 Updated by Philippe May almost 7 years ago
First impression: i don't know how to manage that request.
1. Even small values are "recorded" (0.00001 mm would be stored as any other value)
2. The scales of the graphs are automatic, so a small amount might not be visible, that's how graphs work (try in Excel or whatever, you'll get the same).
#2 Updated by Pavneet Kaur almost 7 years ago
Tried to look at it. eg: dorle@Madhuca@Madhuca. Recently added a reading as 0.5 mm. It's visible in the excel sheet in basket but when i download the corresponding csv from the "measures", it shows the reading as 0 instead of 0.5
Why would this happen?
#3 Updated by Pavneet Kaur almost 7 years ago
The data entered is in decimals however the graph is showing rounded off figures to a zero decimal place. This problem didn't exist in the older version.
#4 Updated by Philippe May almost 7 years ago
My bad: the readings imported from the Excel sheet are rounded to integer values.
Just for a check, i put manually in the database 0.5, and it's shown on the graph.
So, let's re-qualify the ticket.
#5 Updated by Philippe May almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Minimum record-able rain reading on graph to Import of values from Excel sheet is rounded (eg: rain gauge level)
#6 Updated by Philippe May almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Reimported your Excel file (Madhuca), and the value is shown properly.
#7 Updated by Philippe May almost 7 years ago
I'm sorry, but you might need to re-import the other Excel files too to get decimal values in the database (and thus, in the graphs).
#8 Updated by Pavneet Kaur almost 7 years ago
- File Screenshot (21).png View added
There is an error message that appears while re-importing rain gauge region files. Not sure what is the consequence of this error. I can see the display of decimal figures, so the previous problem was resolved.
#9 Updated by Philippe May almost 7 years ago
Ok, i fixed that (v2017.30). It was a side effect of the ability to put a "T" for trace. Note that the "raingauge_regions" can now also have traces of rain, just like the "raingauge_av".
@Pavneet: even when some issue is related to another, i would prefer different tickets.
Redmine offers the possibility to link tickets: related to, blocks, blocked by, etc. There's a "Related issues" field for that purpose. Otherwise, it might get very confusing.
In this case, the title of this ticket is "Import of values from Excel sheet is rounded": that's nowhere near the error you just reported
#10 Updated by Pavneet Kaur almost 7 years ago
Apologies! I realized this after raising the ticket. Will use the relations option, i agree it can be confusing!
#11 Updated by Philippe May almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed