Bug #7584
Error with large integers (graphql)
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Eg: when the id of a feature is more than 2147483647 (graphene.types.scalars.MAX_INT), the information isn't displayed.
See https://docs.graphene-python.org/en/latest/types/scalars/ for a discussion: there's a confusion between the graphql Int specs (max: 2**32 - 1) and the IEEE Int spec (2**53 - 1)
Associated revisions
Use strings for id (Refs #7584)
#1 Updated by Philippe May over 5 years ago
This same issue impacts the selection and plugins tool, obviously, because they all use graphql fetched data. With plugins, a simple workaround was to use a string type for ids.
#2 Updated by Philippe May over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress