Feature #7696
HT Cables shapefile from Johan
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Johan sent the shapefile of HT cables he surveyed, attached here.
The shapefile is in UTM 44N projection.
He has created attributes for which tables are required in the database.
Associated revisions
Refs #7696: add model for electrical lines
Refs #7696: add model for electrical lines
#1 Updated by Philippe May over 5 years ago
- Project changed from Gisaf to GIS
#2 Updated by Philippe May over 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Philippe May to Pavneet Kaur
- "High tension" implies that there will be "low tension", etc. I suggest that all electrical lines are on the same layer (ie. 1 shapefile for all lines), and the field "voltage" can then be used to classify the lines (all these HT lines are 22000 V). Otherwise we'd end up with many layers, tables, shapefiles and this would bloat the interface.
- The field names aren't compliant with https://redmine.auroville.org.in/projects/gis/wiki/Shapefiles . Note that Gisaf now has some option for renaming and ignoring shapefile fields while importing, but better have compliant formats from the beginning.
Pavneet and Giulio, comments?
#3 Updated by Pavneet Kaur over 5 years ago
We can discuss tomorrow...
#4 Updated by Philippe May over 5 years ago
- Project changed from GIS to Geomatic studio models for Gisaf
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Pavneet Kaur to Philippe May
Created the model, uploaded in the basket (in Misc), imported to DB, applied some styling.