Support #8246
Server down?
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Dear Philippe,
Gisaf server looks like not working...
#1 Updated by Philippe May almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
In short: temporary hardware glitch, probably. Fixed now.
Technical details (TL;DR)
Hard drive issue, apparently. The host responded OK, but could not log in to any VM.
I shut down the VMs wiht virtual machine manager. Before that, all showed error messages in their console, but (later) nothing found in syslogs: as if the whole LV switched to read only.
Just did that on the physical machine:
/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-dream.csr-jupyter.csr.av--disk: clean, 296587/655360 files, 2073701/2621440 blocks
Restarted the VMs: OK
Installed SMART, all drives look fine.
No further action required, just keeping this incident logged for future reference.