


Documentation #9539

Reconciliation of points

Added by Giulio Di Anastasio over 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

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When points are reconciled, the change in tables does not happen at RAW level tables (RAW-V-...), but at next level (V-...).
This is to keep a track of the changes in future: points as they were surveyed (raw) and how they have been changed (V-...).
Thus, points which are taken as points can be reconciled through the reconciliation tool available at
The raw data of points taken to define either a line or a polygon are instead not changed, and they are still in the original raw category table.
Category of lines and polygons can instead be changed at the next level (V-...)


#1 Updated by Philippe May over 4 years ago

One note related to the discussion we had yesterday, regarding the matching the raw points when importing line work shapefiles, which allows to find in most cases automatically the source of that line work and give surveyor's information to the shapes.

I confirm that the algorithm searches for matching raw survey points within a distance (defined as a setting, which is currently set as 10cm).

#2 Updated by Philippe May over 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Philippe May to Giulio Di Anastasio
  • Status changed from New to Feedback

I'm fine with the current process. Re-assigning to you, Giulio.

#3 Updated by Giulio Di Anastasio about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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