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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7813 Gisaf Documentation Resolved Normal Including credits for ESRI basemap ( Sat, Highways, Labels ) Philippe May 05/03/2019 12:39
11506 GIS Documentation New Normal Article on wells levels graphs Philippe May 21/12/2020 16:41
9552 Gisaf Documentation Resolved Normal Weekly resampling - Starts on mondays Philippe May 25/07/2020 17:12
12077 GIS Documentation New Normal Reorganize the Wiki Selvarani C 28/04/2021 17:39
8762 GIS Documentation New Normal Calculation of Run-off volume and Vegetation classification 05/08/2019 17:07
8070 GIS Documentation New Normal TIN based watershed models 10/04/2019 15:31
7645 GIS Documentation New Normal Documentation of health checks 18/02/2019 09:24
10733 GIS Documentation New Normal Tags retained when the same geometry is replaced 04/08/2020 16:16
9141 GIS Documentation New Normal AWS water supply data 16/10/2019 12:52
9127 GIS Task Resolved Normal Cross check Bala Ramachandran 20/11/2019 12:32
7530 GIS Task New Normal Check the paint of the piezo boxes Bala Ramachandran 02/02/2019 11:34
7746 GIS Task New High Sacred Groves well Bala Ramachandran 05/03/2019 11:32
7732 GIS Task Resolved Urgent Water level in Angad's well Bala Ramachandran 23/02/2019 11:11
8016 GIS Task New Normal Handling Exception in Python Scripts, Logging and Creating and Publishing to a Git Repository Debojyoti Mallick 03/05/2019 11:14
7818 GIS Task Resolved Normal Studying OGC services with Publish / Subscription for Open source forum. Debojyoti Mallick 29/03/2019 10:37
8486 GIS Task In Progress Normal Understanding how to generate a DSM (Digital Surface Model) or DEM (Digital Elevation Model) using Survey Points. Debojyoti Mallick 03/07/2019 11:44
8567 GIS Task New Normal Delaunay 2D and 3D triangulation using catchment points and their elevations Debojyoti Mallick 03/07/2019 11:44
8380 GIS Task Feedback Normal Understanding Terrain Datasets for vector modelling of DTM using ArcGIS concepts Debojyoti Mallick 07/06/2019 10:20
8746 GIS Task New Normal Updating and Standardizing Symbology and Color for features in the AV Geomatics Portal. Debojyoti Mallick 02/08/2019 16:08
7984 GIS Task Resolved Normal Understanding The Things Network and embedding it with Jupyter for Well Data Debojyoti Mallick 29/03/2019 16:04
8384 GIS Task Feedback Normal Applying Topology Rules to Basins using QGIS 3.6.* Debojyoti Mallick 12/06/2019 16:43
8299 GIS Task Resolved High Understanding The Things Network Fair Access Policy and Gateway Limitations Debojyoti Mallick 27/05/2019 10:28
7578 GIS Task New Normal Preparation regarding the meeting with gilles Dorian Nadaud 06/02/2019 16:08
7789 GIS Task New Normal Cross check Johnny's well id 54 EGB007 - DEPTH is not correct in Harvest data Giulio Di Anastasio 27/02/2019 16:58
12288 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Task Resolved Normal Wells water levels referenced to the mean sea level Giulio Di Anastasio 08/06/2021 10:25
(251-275/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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