


Bug #11187

Error while creating a category with a D or F status

Added by Giulio Di Anastasio over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:




While creating a category with a D or F status, the following error is displayed while clicking OK after filling the form for the creation of a new category:
"Error: relation "V_WMNG_DRTA_id_seq" already exists"

After closing the notification pop-up, and re-entering all details in the form for the creation of a new category, the error is not notified anymore, and the category with the D or F status is created.

Associated revisions

Revision 6bf35759 (diff)
Added by Philippe May over 4 years ago

Fixes category creation issues (Fixes #11187)
- Improve SQL CREATE commands granularity and robustness
- Graphql: pass messages with category updates
- Refactor: registry categories index by category name
- Fix unwanted deletion of table if a category still exists after deletion


#1 Updated by Philippe May over 4 years ago

  • Project changed from GIS to Gisaf

#2 Updated by Philippe May over 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from New to Resolved

#3 Updated by Philippe May over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

These messages were quite harmless and happened in the case a new category was added when the same layer was already defined with another status.

I fixed these messages, and also took the opportunity to review the category admin management page. It's applied now on the server.

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