Feature #4161
Wells can be dry
Change the DB: wells can be dry (add a boolean field)
In the web interface, add a checkbox to well level submission form
Add a way to import "dry" measurement from the CSV/Excel file
Associated revisions
Refs #4161: WUI: add a checkbox for dry wells
Refs #4161: add dry column to wells
Refs #4161: adding dry reading from the xlsx. When the value is different to a number or None then the dry value wil lbe set to True.
Refs #4161: Fixing login error when login in dev mode.
- Giving app.config['SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT'] = ''
- installing the module bcrypt
- creating the file requirements-dev.txt
Refs #4161: Commiting the migration folder
Refs #4161: Commiting the migration folder
Refs #4161: add red bars for dry wells in the graph
#1 Updated by Philippe May over 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from Philippe May to Christian Goni
Web UI done. Up to you Christian for the server side.
Emulate the HTTP request, with "dry" attribute in the POST request:
curl 'http://localhost:4200/api/well_level' --data-binary '{"time":"2017-06-23T06:15:06.346Z","level":null,"dry":false,"well":2}'
#2 Updated by Christian Goni over 7 years ago
Philippe May wrote:
>> Done by Philippe and ChristianChange the DB: wells can be dry (add a boolean field)
>> Done by PhilippeIn the web interface, add a checkbox to well level submission form
Add a way to import "dry" measurement from the CSV/Excel file
#3 Updated by Philippe May over 7 years ago
Example of Excel file for well levels can be found in the "basket": see files with the "well_level" type at http://water.auroville.org.in/admin/dataimportbasketadmin/
#4 Updated by Christian Goni over 7 years ago
- Estimated time set to 16.00 h
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Philippe May wrote:
Change the DB: wells can be dry (add a boolean field)
In the web interface, add a checkbox to well level submission form
Add a way to import "dry" measurement from the CSV/Excel file
Christian wrote:
Changes made in the database, model, migration feature, reading the CSV/Excel file dry value, freezing the requirements with the version number of each module.
unable to commit and push the last changes. I will do it as soon as it will be working again
#5 Updated by Philippe May over 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from Christian Goni to Giulio Di Anastasio
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Put in production.
Giulio, assigning to you for validation, we'll discuss about it when you're back.
#6 Updated by Philippe May over 7 years ago
As discussed in Monday's meeting, this is actually related to the depth of the well: when we know this information, we'll be able to set the water level equal to the depth -> dry.
#7 Updated by Giulio Di Anastasio over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed