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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7710 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add fields to the individual components Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:07
7935 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Task Resolved Normal Template components in order Philippe May 20/03/2019 15:18
7696 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal HT Cables shapefile from Johan Philippe May 25/02/2019 18:54
7725 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add a button for generating reports Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:08
8096 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Task Resolved Normal Creating a Gkpg/shp for elevation points in Basins with category as an attribute Philippe May 24/05/2019 16:57
12895 GIS Support Resolved Normal Migrate backups to Bung Philippe May 12/11/2021 00:36
14362 GIS Support Resolved Normal Gisaf/server unreachable Philippe May 03/08/2022 12:41
14090 GIS Feature Resolved Normal Move to SDDs after failure of one HDD in the RAID array of the domUs Philippe May 27/05/2022 16:28
7156 GIS Support Resolved Normal Make server boot again Philippe May 05/02/2019 11:13
7243 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Cannot view well level for some well Bala Ramachandran 11/12/2018 15:21
13132 GIS Bug Resolved Normal CSR Weather station missing data 28 nd 29 Otober 2021 Philippe May 06/11/2021 12:20
8450 GIS Support Resolved Normal Unable to Load Jupyter Lab Philippe May 10/06/2019 15:52
9463 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup a weather station in Kalpana Philippe May 02/11/2021 15:08
6954 GIS Support Resolved Normal Create a VM for DB Philippe May 10/11/2018 16:02
7574 GIS Task Resolved Normal Survey in Maduca Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 26/02/2019 14:42
15265 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup weather station in CSR Philippe May 30/11/2023 15:55
15276 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup ecowitt2mqtt for weather station to mqtt Philippe May 28/11/2023 12:56
7778 GIS Task Resolved Normal To fines the survey work in Sukhavati Community by 09/03/2019 Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 03/05/2019 11:37
10151 GIS Feature Resolved Normal PG ADMIN installation on server Philippe May 01/08/2022 21:41
7814 GIS Task Resolved Normal RTK coordinates of Drone targets Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 03/05/2019 11:35
10153 GIS Support Resolved Normal Postgis access for Selvarani in QGis Philippe May 23/05/2020 12:05
10693 GIS Support Resolved Normal Wrong geometry type for category R54 Philippe May 30/07/2020 12:00
8504 GIS Support Resolved Normal Clean data from the weather station Philippe May 04/07/2019 17:05
6494 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add CC copyright on data Philippe May 31/08/2018 21:19
13885 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Wrong name showing in the list of layers in the map Philippe May 23/04/2022 04:04
(226-250/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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