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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
10337 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Custom layers with a "status" column not displayed on the map Philippe May 13/06/2020 17:36
9036 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Fix login indicator Philippe May 03/10/2019 15:15
5988 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal problem with the flow from origin of wastewater to the component Philippe May 08/06/2018 15:14
5974 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Issues in uploading readings into GISAF using interface Philippe May 06/02/2019 09:25
13132 GIS Bug Resolved Normal CSR Weather station missing data 28 nd 29 Otober 2021 Philippe May 06/11/2021 12:20
15204 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Bad request message while entering newwell level data Philippe May 01/10/2023 16:52
15004 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Daily Rainfall Reading from CSR Weather Station: some wrong entries in 2020 Philippe May 26/04/2023 12:47
13258 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Missing data from AmbientWeather weather stations Philippe May 21/11/2021 16:50
9465 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Export plots to PNG missing axis labels Philippe May 08/01/2020 11:35
9602 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Map: ability to cancel download Philippe May 20/01/2020 18:32
9519 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Map info: fix icons Philippe May 02/01/2020 13:11
13885 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Wrong name showing in the list of layers in the map Philippe May 23/04/2022 04:04
10400 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Map search: works only once Philippe May 24/06/2020 12:05
10180 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Error importing Johan's shapefile Philippe May 27/05/2020 15:34
10407 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Live layer DXF export: missing reprojection Philippe May 23/06/2020 04:24
10830 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Import issue with raw survey points Philippe May 30/08/2020 14:45
12049 GIS Bug Resolved Immediate Gisaf Error Philippe May 22/04/2021 10:39
10213 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Point showing in the reconciliation pop-up but error while reconciling Philippe May 26/06/2020 14:37
10123 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Basket Upload: store not saved Philippe May 19/05/2020 17:36
10122 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Reconciliation: missing categories Philippe May 19/05/2020 02:53
7763 GIS Feature Feedback Normal Infrastructure: migrate old-admin to the same server than gisaf Philippe May 25/02/2019 11:11
7957 GIS Bug Feedback High Export polygon shapefiles do not show "holes" Philippe May 04/04/2019 16:14
(176-197/197) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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