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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
8262 GIS Feature New Normal Change points into MISTAKES for updated cycle path and MM fence Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 09/05/2019 14:59
7530 GIS Task New Normal Check the paint of the piezo boxes Bala Ramachandran 02/02/2019 11:34
13597 GIS Feature New Normal Courage well: tags to add after publishing Giulio Di Anastasio 03/02/2022 17:14
7651 GIS Task New Normal Create the Proposed shapefile layers Pavneet Kaur 13/02/2019 15:44
7789 GIS Task New Normal Cross check Johnny's well id 54 EGB007 - DEPTH is not correct in Harvest data Giulio Di Anastasio 27/02/2019 16:58
11685 GIS Documentation New Normal Daily resampling of rainfall in CSR Weather Station - How is it calculated Giulio Di Anastasio 04/02/2021 11:14
12714 Gisaf Feature New Normal Dana well correction factor changed Giulio Di Anastasio 21/09/2021 12:57
14473 Tree Trail Bug New Normal Data not refreshed Philippe May 10/09/2022 16:02
8567 GIS Task New Normal Delaunay 2D and 3D triangulation using catchment points and their elevations Debojyoti Mallick 03/07/2019 11:44
14574 Tree Trail Feature New Normal Different icons for plants Philippe May 04/11/2022 22:08
9735 GIS Documentation New Normal Disciplane farm well: wrong depth Bala Ramachandran 18/02/2020 17:15
7645 GIS Documentation New Normal Documentation of health checks 18/02/2019 09:24
15224 Gisaf Bug New Normal Double tools in data entering form Giulio Di Anastasio 12/10/2023 15:52
9538 Gisaf Feature New Normal Download shapefile of raw survey points facility - TO BE REMOVED? Philippe May 07/01/2020 14:35
7698 GIS Task New Normal EC & pH meter Meera Natarajan 20/02/2019 10:01
10344 Gisaf Bug New Normal Error: No accuracy defined for surveyor Eric Chacra - Baraka and equipment {} Giulio Di Anastasio 16/06/2020 04:27
13107 Gisaf Support New Normal Errors Bala Ramachandran 27/10/2021 19:31
13106 Gisaf Support New Normal Errors Bala Ramachandran 27/10/2021 17:02
11715 GIS Support New Normal Evaluation of Pastas as an data analysis tool for well levels Giulio Di Anastasio 08/02/2021 12:01
10170 GIS Bug New Normal Fix logout 23/05/2020 16:48
10862 GIS Bug New Normal Fix the issues resulted from import point bug Philippe May 05/09/2020 15:11
11081 Gisaf Support New Normal Gisaf doesn't allowed multiple reconciliation Philippe May 01/10/2020 15:00
14269 Gisaf Support New Normal Gisaf is not connecting Selvarani C 09/07/2022 09:47
10991 Gisaf Bug New Normal Graph of Average rainfall by month in Dashboard - limited viewing area when zooming in Philippe May 17/09/2020 14:49
8016 GIS Task New Normal Handling Exception in Python Scripts, Logging and Creating and Publishing to a Git Repository Debojyoti Mallick 03/05/2019 11:14
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