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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13822 GIS Support Feedback Normal Need a Login id and password to a Gisaf for entering the tag value. Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 27/03/2022 16:47
7795 GIS Support New Normal Open SOurce software tutorials on water management from youtube - Hatari Labs Pavneet Kaur 12/03/2019 16:33
10151 GIS Feature Resolved Normal PG ADMIN installation on server Philippe May 01/08/2022 21:41
14350 GIS Feature Resolved Normal PgAdmin from remote Philippe May 01/08/2022 21:41
10153 GIS Support Resolved Normal Postgis access for Selvarani in QGis Philippe May 23/05/2020 12:05
7578 GIS Task New Normal Preparation regarding the meeting with gilles Dorian Nadaud 06/02/2019 16:08
7724 GIS Task New Normal Publish CZ and IDZ- Water Project> on Gisaf Pavneet Kaur 15/03/2019 14:55
7814 GIS Task Resolved Normal RTK coordinates of Drone targets Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 03/05/2019 11:35
14762 GIS Support New Normal Rain data of Sri Aurobindo Society Building Pondicherry - Beach Office Philippe May 11/01/2023 16:52
10196 GIS Documentation New Normal Reconciliation of points in tables not at raw level.(Polygon,Line) Giulio Di Anastasio 26/05/2020 14:37
15270 GIS Feature New Normal Record well sensor data (mqtt) Giulio Di Anastasio 29/11/2023 17:32
13203 GIS Support In Progress Normal Redis server: fix warning relarted to memory allocation Philippe May 12/11/2021 13:03
5978 GIS Task Resolved High Registration for Bangalore Open Street Map conference Philippe May 11/06/2018 11:56
12077 GIS Documentation New Normal Reorganize the Wiki Selvarani C 28/04/2021 17:39
10322 GIS Support New Normal Resume the basket imports, and review of the new admin baskets Giulio Di Anastasio 11/06/2020 17:17
7937 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Retention wall is not properly display in GIS, Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 23/03/2019 15:52
7746 GIS Task New High Sacred Groves well Bala Ramachandran 05/03/2019 11:32
13447 GIS Support Resolved Urgent Server down due to electrical power cut Philippe May 31/12/2021 17:14
8246 GIS Support Resolved Normal Server down? Philippe May 06/05/2019 15:45
13235 GIS Support Resolved Normal Server hardware failure (sdc hard drive) Philippe May 19/11/2021 17:59
14928 GIS Support Resolved High Server is not restarting Philippe May 05/04/2023 12:18
13115 GIS Task In Progress Urgent Server not working after power cut Philippe May 29/10/2021 11:05
9292 GIS Support Resolved Normal Server upgrade to buster Philippe May 13/11/2019 12:29
9220 GIS Feature Resolved High Setting the daily resampling of weather data starting from 8.30 am Philippe May 08/01/2020 17:57
9463 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup a weather station in Kalpana Philippe May 02/11/2021 15:08
(76-100/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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