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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13982 GIS Support Resolved Normal Update server's storage Philippe May 06/05/2022 14:38
13883 GIS Support Resolved Urgent Gisaf not responding - Possible issue with tag editing? Philippe May 07/04/2022 19:34
13763 GIS Support Resolved Normal Gisaf not responding Philippe May 11/03/2022 13:03
13447 GIS Support Resolved Urgent Server down due to electrical power cut Philippe May 31/12/2021 17:14
13068 GIS Support Resolved Normal Migrate gisaf VM to bullseye Philippe May 25/10/2021 17:28
6494 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add CC copyright on data Philippe May 31/08/2018 21:19
13202 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is showing error Philippe May 12/11/2021 12:59
13681 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf isn't Connecting Philippe May 19/02/2022 11:01
6954 GIS Support Resolved Normal Create a VM for DB Philippe May 10/11/2018 16:02
14923 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Download Pop-up window of categories not showing Philippe May 08/04/2023 07:49
13090 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Importing error in new admin Philippe May 28/10/2021 11:00
15418 Gisaf Support Resolved Urgent Gisaf not connecting Philippe May 08/04/2024 08:40
6990 GIS Support Resolved Normal Create a VM for Notebooks Philippe May 10/11/2018 15:57
11457 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Building Shed and Retaining Walls are not showing in a map Philippe May 14/12/2020 19:52
7156 GIS Support Resolved Normal Make server boot again Philippe May 05/02/2019 11:13
7343 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add layer for locations Philippe May 02/02/2019 15:25
15463 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is not Connecting Philippe May 18/05/2024 13:43
8246 GIS Support Resolved Normal Server down? Philippe May 06/05/2019 15:45
8450 GIS Support Resolved Normal Unable to Load Jupyter Lab Philippe May 10/06/2019 15:52
10693 GIS Support Resolved Normal Wrong geometry type for category R54 Philippe May 30/07/2020 12:00
10153 GIS Support Resolved Normal Postgis access for Selvarani in QGis Philippe May 23/05/2020 12:05
12688 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Layers are not visible Philippe May 10/08/2021 10:03
9463 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup a weather station in Kalpana Philippe May 02/11/2021 15:08
15315 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is not Connected Philippe May 03/01/2024 11:14
9292 GIS Support Resolved Normal Server upgrade to buster Philippe May 13/11/2019 12:29
(101-125/197) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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