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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
10819 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Evergreen well : popup showing "null" instead of location, status, type Philippe May 23/08/2020 23:44
10829 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Missing symbols Philippe May 24/08/2020 12:34
10830 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Import issue with raw survey points Philippe May 30/08/2020 14:45
10920 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add option to display labels on the map Philippe May 07/09/2020 11:54
10948 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add WMS3 server capabilities (with pygeoapi) Philippe May 14/09/2020 16:59
10741 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add a way for changing status of a feature, given its original id Philippe May 16/09/2020 17:35
10740 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Change status: issue with projection system Philippe May 17/09/2020 14:34
10991 Gisaf Bug New Normal Graph of Average rainfall by month in Dashboard - limited viewing area when zooming in Philippe May 17/09/2020 14:49
11071 Gisaf Support New Normal Reconciliation: cannot find some points Philippe May 01/10/2020 13:03
15507 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal importing Error Philippe May 18/07/2024 16:06
15463 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is not Connecting Philippe May 18/05/2024 13:43
15439 Gisaf Support In Progress Normal Migration to "Gisaf NG" Philippe May 29/04/2024 03:44
9468 Gisaf Bug Feedback Normal "Find my Location" button on map returns strange result !! Richard Presley 20/12/2019 19:36
11691 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Error on when importing geopackage Selvarani C 18/03/2021 11:28
14715 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal ID field is not Showing in Wells Download Geopackage Selvarani C 12/03/2023 16:00
10979 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Line work import: no geometries? Selvarani C 17/09/2020 01:08
14878 Gisaf Support New Normal Old admin not connecting Selvarani C 01/06/2023 16:06
14269 Gisaf Support New Normal Gisaf is not connecting Selvarani C 09/07/2022 09:47
11933 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Importing Error 30/03/2021 14:55
11262 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal importing Error 04/11/2020 14:49
11260 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Reconciliation is not happening 03/11/2020 11:32
12288 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Task Resolved Normal Wells water levels referenced to the mean sea level Giulio Di Anastasio 08/06/2021 10:25
7709 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Waste water treatment plant improvements Philippe May 19/03/2019 23:58
15004 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Daily Rainfall Reading from CSR Weather Station: some wrong entries in 2020 Philippe May 26/04/2023 12:47
13968 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Create layers and all for the LB records Philippe May 28/04/2022 17:18
(151-175/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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