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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
9517 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Tags: add location Philippe May 03/01/2020 11:54
9516 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Map: add option to grab link to the selected feature Philippe May 02/01/2020 15:42
9510 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Automatically resample to daily when there's too much data Philippe May 01/01/2020 14:12
8669 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Groups of map layers Philippe May 26/07/2019 10:51
8630 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Map: add option for filter with status Philippe May 10/07/2019 16:49
7709 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Waste water treatment plant improvements Philippe May 19/03/2019 23:58
3472 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Weather station graphs: choice of parameters Philippe May 10/03/2019 14:52
6099 Gisaf Feature New Low Sanic/Gino admin Philippe May 07/03/2019 16:24
7527 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Give an option to resample data for graphs (eg. rain gauge) Philippe May 07/03/2019 16:24
5618 Gisaf Feature Resolved Low Export layers as DXF Philippe May 05/03/2019 12:42
7696 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal HT Cables shapefile from Johan Philippe May 25/02/2019 18:54
7725 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add a button for generating reports Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:08
7710 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add fields to the individual components Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:07
7711 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add fields to component types Philippe May 25/02/2019 13:06
7763 GIS Feature Feedback Normal Infrastructure: migrate old-admin to the same server than gisaf Philippe May 25/02/2019 11:11
7379 Gisaf Feature New Low Make Gisaf installable (Progressive Web App) Philippe May 02/02/2019 10:27
5033 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add an option to display a base line in the bar charts Philippe May 04/01/2018 01:09
15507 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal importing Error Philippe May 18/07/2024 16:06
15463 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is not Connecting Philippe May 18/05/2024 13:43
15439 Gisaf Support In Progress Normal Migration to "Gisaf NG" Philippe May 29/04/2024 03:44
15418 Gisaf Support Resolved Urgent Gisaf not connecting Philippe May 08/04/2024 08:40
15315 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is not Connected Philippe May 03/01/2024 11:14
15215 GIS Support Resolved High CSR Weather Station Philippe May 05/12/2023 13:10
15265 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup weather station in CSR Philippe May 30/11/2023 15:55
15276 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup ecowitt2mqtt for weather station to mqtt Philippe May 28/11/2023 12:56
(101-125/197) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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