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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
11497 GIS Support New Normal Add log book information to raingauges, etc Giulio Di Anastasio 21/12/2020 14:54
10364 Gisaf Support New Normal Reconcile the reconciliations Philippe May 17/06/2020 17:27
14269 Gisaf Support New Normal Gisaf is not connecting Selvarani C 09/07/2022 09:47
13107 Gisaf Support New Normal Errors Bala Ramachandran 27/10/2021 19:31
7795 GIS Support New Normal Open SOurce software tutorials on water management from youtube - Hatari Labs Pavneet Kaur 12/03/2019 16:33
6070 Gisaf Support New Normal A survey of 3D GIS Models Pavneet Kaur 05/02/2019 12:47
11081 Gisaf Support New Normal Gisaf doesn't allowed multiple reconciliation Philippe May 01/10/2020 15:00
11071 Gisaf Support New Normal Reconciliation: cannot find some points Philippe May 01/10/2020 13:03
12850 GIS Support New Normal Mistakenly deleted ticket about PgAdmin Giulio Di Anastasio 08/09/2021 12:50
12051 GIS Support New Normal Update pgadmin Philippe May 22/04/2021 12:57
8787 GIS Support New Normal In Wastless P49 points are in text, we can't able to upload in gsaf Giulio Di Anastasio 13/08/2019 17:10
11898 GIS Support New Normal Add Aurogreen Weather Station Philippe May 17/03/2021 12:10
6077 GIS Support New Normal AC in office 23/06/2018 13:05
11715 GIS Support New Normal Evaluation of Pastas as an data analysis tool for well levels Giulio Di Anastasio 08/02/2021 12:01
14407 GIS Support New Normal UPS received and connected Philippe May 08/09/2022 00:54
6907 Gisaf Support New Low Study alternative for TileServer Philippe May 11/01/2020 11:45
7813 Gisaf Documentation Resolved Normal Including credits for ESRI basemap ( Sat, Highways, Labels ) Philippe May 05/03/2019 12:39
7835 GIS Documentation Resolved Normal Adding and Using ESRI and other basemaps in QGIS. Debojyoti Mallick 06/03/2019 13:01
9552 Gisaf Documentation Resolved Normal Weekly resampling - Starts on mondays Philippe May 25/07/2020 17:12
11448 GIS Documentation New High Meaning of colors for wells in the map Giulio Di Anastasio 10/12/2020 11:34
8762 GIS Documentation New Normal Calculation of Run-off volume and Vegetation classification 05/08/2019 17:07
7645 GIS Documentation New Normal Documentation of health checks 18/02/2019 09:24
7762 GIS Documentation New Normal WEb resources for Open Drone Map Giulio Di Anastasio 25/02/2019 10:34
14497 Gisaf Documentation New Normal URL to Gisaf Old Admin Giulio Di Anastasio 19/09/2022 16:37
11648 Gisaf Documentation New Normal Styling categories Giulio Di Anastasio 27/01/2021 16:02
(226-250/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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