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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3368 GIS Bug Resolved Urgent Cannot upload data Philippe May 21/12/2016 12:10
7243 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Cannot view well level for some well Bala Ramachandran 11/12/2018 15:21
7554 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Cannot auto import points for project RZ Philippe May 04/02/2019 16:31
7552 GIS Bug Resolved Normal error in auto import of raw points to point shapefiles Philippe May 05/02/2019 11:13
7551 GIS Bug Resolved Normal error while downloading shapefiles from gisaf Philippe May 06/02/2019 09:10
7937 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Retention wall is not properly display in GIS, Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 23/03/2019 15:52
7957 GIS Bug Feedback High Export polygon shapefiles do not show "holes" Philippe May 04/04/2019 16:14
8763 GIS Bug New Normal Calculation of Run-off volume and Vegetation classification 05/08/2019 11:16
10170 GIS Bug New Normal Fix logout 23/05/2020 16:48
10323 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Survey points from Eric Chacra: misc issues Philippe May 03/08/2020 13:11
10862 GIS Bug New Normal Fix the issues resulted from import point bug Philippe May 05/09/2020 15:11
12049 GIS Bug Resolved Immediate Gisaf Error Philippe May 22/04/2021 10:39
12701 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Weather Station not showing data since 24 July 2021 Philippe May 12/08/2021 12:21
13132 GIS Bug Resolved Normal CSR Weather station missing data 28 nd 29 Otober 2021 Philippe May 06/11/2021 12:20
13901 GIS Bug New Normal Map: style of the category with status 'E' is always applied Philippe May 12/04/2022 11:01
13885 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Wrong name showing in the list of layers in the map Philippe May 23/04/2022 04:04
15003 GIS Bug New Normal Well level trend computation has opposite sign (minus instead of plus, and viceversa) Philippe May 25/04/2023 15:48
7763 GIS Feature Feedback Normal Infrastructure: migrate old-admin to the same server than gisaf Philippe May 25/02/2019 11:11
7776 GIS Feature New High Text on IZ CAD file Pavneet Kaur 26/02/2019 12:57
7817 GIS Feature New Normal Updating dates for 66 records in the Benches attribute table. Pavneet Kaur 15/03/2019 15:03
8262 GIS Feature New Normal Change points into MISTAKES for updated cycle path and MM fence Pushparaj Muthukrishnan 09/05/2019 14:59
8060 GIS Feature Resolved Normal Compilation of data on wells including elevation and CF (correction Factor) Debojyoti Mallick 13/05/2019 15:56
9220 GIS Feature Resolved High Setting the daily resampling of weather data starting from 8.30 am Philippe May 08/01/2020 17:57
11329 GIS Feature New Normal Boundary Stones Updation Giulio Di Anastasio 12/11/2020 18:03
11486 GIS Feature New Normal Button Labels for wells details Philippe May 21/12/2020 10:26
12075 GIS Feature Resolved High CSR Weather Station not showing since 22 of april 2021 Philippe May 29/04/2021 15:34
12976 GIS Feature New Normal Weather Station not recording data on 3rd October 2021 Giulio Di Anastasio 05/10/2021 23:07
13597 GIS Feature New Normal Courage well: tags to add after publishing Giulio Di Anastasio 03/02/2022 17:14
14090 GIS Feature Resolved Normal Move to SDDs after failure of one HDD in the RAID array of the domUs Philippe May 27/05/2022 16:28
14306 GIS Feature New Normal Cannot connect from QGis Philippe May 18/07/2022 14:57
10151 GIS Feature Resolved Normal PG ADMIN installation on server Philippe May 01/08/2022 21:41
14350 GIS Feature Resolved Normal PgAdmin from remote Philippe May 01/08/2022 21:41
15270 GIS Feature New Normal Record well sensor data (mqtt) Giulio Di Anastasio 29/11/2023 17:32
3410 GIS Support Resolved High Map website to Philippe May 27/12/2016 22:41
6077 GIS Support New Normal AC in office 23/06/2018 13:05
6494 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add CC copyright on data Philippe May 31/08/2018 21:19
6769 GIS Support In Progress Normal Issue in the DXF conversion Pavneet Kaur 04/10/2018 15:00
6990 GIS Support Resolved Normal Create a VM for Notebooks Philippe May 10/11/2018 15:57
6954 GIS Support Resolved Normal Create a VM for DB Philippe May 10/11/2018 16:02
7161 GIS Support In Progress Normal Setup remote backup Philippe May 19/12/2018 10:14
7402 GIS Support New Normal Integrate data from well probes Philippe May 10/01/2019 11:12
7343 GIS Support Resolved Normal Add layer for locations Philippe May 02/02/2019 15:25
7156 GIS Support Resolved Normal Make server boot again Philippe May 05/02/2019 11:13
7120 GIS Support In Progress Normal High CPU usage on the server (dom0) Philippe May 26/02/2019 13:10
7795 GIS Support New Normal Open SOurce software tutorials on water management from youtube - Hatari Labs Pavneet Kaur 12/03/2019 16:33
8246 GIS Support Resolved Normal Server down? Philippe May 06/05/2019 15:45
7853 GIS Support New Normal Install OpenDroneMap and WebODM Philippe May 09/05/2019 15:57
8450 GIS Support Resolved Normal Unable to Load Jupyter Lab Philippe May 10/06/2019 15:52
8504 GIS Support Resolved Normal Clean data from the weather station Philippe May 04/07/2019 17:05
8787 GIS Support New Normal In Wastless P49 points are in text, we can't able to upload in gsaf Giulio Di Anastasio 13/08/2019 17:10
(1-50/307) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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