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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7957 GIS Bug Feedback High Export polygon shapefiles do not show "holes" Philippe May 04/04/2019 16:14
7763 GIS Feature Feedback Normal Infrastructure: migrate old-admin to the same server than gisaf Philippe May 25/02/2019 11:11
15507 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal importing Error Philippe May 18/07/2024 16:06
15463 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is not Connecting Philippe May 18/05/2024 13:43
15418 Gisaf Support Resolved Urgent Gisaf not connecting Philippe May 08/04/2024 08:40
15315 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is not Connected Philippe May 03/01/2024 11:14
15276 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup ecowitt2mqtt for weather station to mqtt Philippe May 28/11/2023 12:56
15265 GIS Support Resolved Normal Setup weather station in CSR Philippe May 30/11/2023 15:55
15215 GIS Support Resolved High CSR Weather Station Philippe May 05/12/2023 13:10
15204 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Bad request message while entering newwell level data Philippe May 01/10/2023 16:52
15162 Gisaf Support Resolved High Downloading Error Philippe May 01/09/2023 10:41
15159 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal New Admin is not Working Philippe May 28/08/2023 17:50
15004 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Daily Rainfall Reading from CSR Weather Station: some wrong entries in 2020 Philippe May 26/04/2023 12:47
14928 GIS Support Resolved High Server is not restarting Philippe May 05/04/2023 12:18
14923 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Download Pop-up window of categories not showing Philippe May 08/04/2023 07:49
14894 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Well levels Timeline graphs: weekly rainfall data for 2020 not correct Philippe May 08/04/2023 08:45
14741 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Long Name to be changed : Philippe May 12/03/2023 16:07
14362 GIS Support Resolved Normal Gisaf/server unreachable Philippe May 03/08/2022 12:41
14350 GIS Feature Resolved Normal PgAdmin from remote Philippe May 01/08/2022 21:41
14111 Tree Trail Support Resolved Normal Create a VM on CSR server Philippe May 10/06/2022 09:39
14090 GIS Feature Resolved Normal Move to SDDs after failure of one HDD in the RAID array of the domUs Philippe May 27/05/2022 16:28
14072 GIS Support Resolved Urgent Gisaf very slow Philippe May 19/05/2022 02:29
13982 GIS Support Resolved Normal Update server's storage Philippe May 06/05/2022 14:38
13968 Geomatic studio models for Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Create layers and all for the LB records Philippe May 28/04/2022 17:18
13952 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf isn't Connecting Philippe May 25/04/2022 11:27
13885 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Wrong name showing in the list of layers in the map Philippe May 23/04/2022 04:04
13883 GIS Support Resolved Urgent Gisaf not responding - Possible issue with tag editing? Philippe May 07/04/2022 19:34
13763 GIS Support Resolved Normal Gisaf not responding Philippe May 11/03/2022 13:03
13681 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf isn't Connecting Philippe May 19/02/2022 11:01
13642 Gisaf Support Resolved Urgent Electrical problems: Server down Philippe May 15/02/2022 09:38
13447 GIS Support Resolved Urgent Server down due to electrical power cut Philippe May 31/12/2021 17:14
13258 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Missing data from AmbientWeather weather stations Philippe May 21/11/2021 16:50
13235 GIS Support Resolved Normal Server hardware failure (sdc hard drive) Philippe May 19/11/2021 17:59
13202 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Gisaf is showing error Philippe May 12/11/2021 12:59
13132 GIS Bug Resolved Normal CSR Weather station missing data 28 nd 29 Otober 2021 Philippe May 06/11/2021 12:20
13125 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Live layers: error with no detail shown Philippe May 01/11/2021 19:06
13090 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Importing error in new admin Philippe May 28/10/2021 11:00
13068 GIS Support Resolved Normal Migrate gisaf VM to bullseye Philippe May 25/10/2021 17:28
12895 GIS Support Resolved Normal Migrate backups to Bung Philippe May 12/11/2021 00:36
12701 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Weather Station not showing data since 24 July 2021 Philippe May 12/08/2021 12:21
12688 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Layers are not visible Philippe May 10/08/2021 10:03
12491 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Measure distances on the map Philippe May 11/07/2021 11:51
12075 GIS Feature Resolved High CSR Weather Station not showing since 22 of april 2021 Philippe May 29/04/2021 15:34
12049 GIS Bug Resolved Immediate Gisaf Error Philippe May 22/04/2021 10:39
11907 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Allow specific project list for custom models Philippe May 19/03/2021 16:13
11886 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Pandas resample deprecation warning Philippe May 16/03/2021 12:49
11762 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Switch from Mapbox to Maplibre Philippe May 20/11/2021 15:21
11649 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Wells timeline dashboard misc. improvements Philippe May 27/01/2021 15:47
11577 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Dashboard: multiple sections per page Philippe May 27/01/2021 12:37
11457 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Building Shed and Retaining Walls are not showing in a map Philippe May 14/12/2020 19:52
11449 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Strip extra characters when importing survey CSV files Philippe May 10/12/2020 01:06
10948 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add WMS3 server capabilities (with pygeoapi) Philippe May 14/09/2020 16:59
10920 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add option to display labels on the map Philippe May 07/09/2020 11:54
10830 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Import issue with raw survey points Philippe May 30/08/2020 14:45
10829 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Missing symbols Philippe May 24/08/2020 12:34
10819 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Evergreen well : popup showing "null" instead of location, status, type Philippe May 23/08/2020 23:44
10741 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add a way for changing status of a feature, given its original id Philippe May 16/09/2020 17:35
10740 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Change status: issue with projection system Philippe May 17/09/2020 14:34
10732 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Wind Speed unit Philippe May 04/08/2020 16:52
10728 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Cannot download CSV for values Philippe May 03/08/2020 15:49
10693 GIS Support Resolved Normal Wrong geometry type for category R54 Philippe May 30/07/2020 12:00
10675 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Add attribution on map Philippe May 04/07/2021 13:58
10569 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Well Masterfile/Repository Philippe May 19/12/2020 17:10
10539 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal New basket admin: the metadata (surveyor, etc) aren't populated from raw points when importing shapefiles Philippe May 15/07/2020 15:02
10536 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Migrate PlottableModel.Actions.download_csv_value to plugins Philippe May 15/07/2020 15:07
10439 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Reconciliation: use categories instead of layers Philippe May 27/06/2020 05:21
10407 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Live layer DXF export: missing reprojection Philippe May 23/06/2020 04:24
10400 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Map search: works only once Philippe May 24/06/2020 12:05
10360 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Cannot import survey: accuracy issue Philippe May 17/06/2020 01:29
10337 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Custom layers with a "status" column not displayed on the map Philippe May 13/06/2020 17:36
10331 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Reconciliation: sort layer by alphabetical order Philippe May 12/06/2020 17:45
10323 GIS Bug Resolved Normal Survey points from Eric Chacra: misc issues Philippe May 03/08/2020 13:11
10306 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Logout not working Philippe May 11/06/2020 12:13
10289 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal New basket: cannot import raingauge Excel sheet Philippe May 11/06/2020 12:17
10224 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Update gs.basemaps in Jupyter notebooks Philippe May 14/06/2021 16:15
10213 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Point showing in the reconciliation pop-up but error while reconciling Philippe May 26/06/2020 14:37
10182 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Function to change status of surveyed features Philippe May 15/07/2020 15:10
10180 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Error importing Johan's shapefile Philippe May 27/05/2020 15:34
10153 GIS Support Resolved Normal Postgis access for Selvarani in QGis Philippe May 23/05/2020 12:05
10152 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal wells list in Measures Tab with only wells having measures Philippe May 10/06/2020 15:05
10151 GIS Feature Resolved Normal PG ADMIN installation on server Philippe May 01/08/2022 21:41
10149 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Import basket: fix authorization auto import Philippe May 09/06/2020 23:09
10125 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Feature with Status other than existing, not showing in the map (example: future building outline) Philippe May 20/05/2020 04:05
10123 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Basket Upload: store not saved Philippe May 19/05/2020 17:36
10122 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Reconciliation: missing categories Philippe May 19/05/2020 02:53
10014 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Interity checks Philippe May 19/05/2020 19:23
9944 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Admin: manage categories Philippe May 10/04/2020 12:06
9602 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Map: ability to cancel download Philippe May 20/01/2020 18:32
9592 Gisaf Support Resolved Urgent Follow up migration Philippe May 19/01/2020 13:42
9563 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Live layers: add option to link to a map feature Philippe May 12/01/2020 22:22
9552 Gisaf Documentation Resolved Normal Weekly resampling - Starts on mondays Philippe May 25/07/2020 17:12
9534 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal GeoJson store: systematically use geodataframes Philippe May 07/01/2020 16:51
9519 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Map info: fix icons Philippe May 02/01/2020 13:11
9517 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Tags: add location Philippe May 03/01/2020 11:54
9516 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Map: add option to grab link to the selected feature Philippe May 02/01/2020 15:42
9510 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Automatically resample to daily when there's too much data Philippe May 01/01/2020 14:12
9509 Gisaf Feature Resolved Normal Update angular-plotly to 1.5.0 Philippe May 04/01/2020 12:05
9493 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Plotly png download resize frame Philippe May 26/12/2019 16:37
9466 Gisaf Support Resolved Normal Rename "altitude" to "elevation" Philippe May 08/01/2020 11:27
9465 Gisaf Bug Resolved Normal Export plots to PNG missing axis labels Philippe May 08/01/2020 11:35
(1-100/197) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF